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Step 1: Start Rust Contract

1.1 Set Up the Rust Project with gblend

To install the Fluent scaffold CLI tool, run the following command in your terminal:

cargo install gblend

To create a project, run the following in your terminal:

gblend init

then use the arrow keys to get to option:


then press enter. This will generate the following files:

>Cargo.toml (Rust dependencies)
> (Rust contract)

1.2 Write the Rust Smart Contract with Fluentbase SDK

pub trait RouterAPI

is used to define Solidity interfaces.

impl<SDK: SharedAPI> RouterAPI for ROUTER<SDK> 

is used to define Solidity function implementations.


#![cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", no_std)]
extern crate alloc;

use alloc::string::{String, ToString};
use fluentbase_sdk::{
derive::{function_id, router, Contract},
U256, // alloy Solidity type for uint256
Address, // alloy Solidity type for address
address, // alloy Solidity marco to define values for type Address
Bytes, // alloy Solidity type for bytes
B256, // alloy Solidity type for bytes32
b256 // alloy Solidity marco to define values for type B256

struct ROUTER<SDK> {
sdk: SDK,

pub trait RouterAPI {
// Make sure type interfaces are defined here or else there will be a compiler error.
fn rustString(&self) -> String;
fn rustUint256(&self) -> U256;
// fn rustInt256(&self) -> I256;
fn rustAddress(&self) -> Address;
fn rustBytes(&self) -> Bytes;
fn rustBytes32(&self) -> B256;
fn rustBool(&self) -> bool;

#[router(mode = "solidity")]
impl<SDK: SharedAPI> RouterAPI for ROUTER<SDK> {

// ERC-20 with Fluent SDK example:

fn rustString(&self) -> String {
let string_test = "Hello".to_string();
return string_test;

fn rustUint256(&self) -> U256 {
let uint256_test = U256::from(10);
return uint256_test;

// #[function_id("rustInt256()")]
// fn rustInt256(&self) -> I256 {
// return I256::from(-10)
// }

fn rustAddress(&self) -> Address {
let address_test: Address = address!("d8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045"); // vitalik.eth 0xd8da6bf26964af9d7eed9e03e53415d37aa96045
return address_test;

fn rustBytes(&self) -> Bytes {
let bytes_test = Bytes::from("FLUENT");
return bytes_test;

fn rustBytes32(&self) -> B256 {
let bytes256_test = b256!("0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff");
return bytes256_test;

fn rustBool(&self) -> bool {
let bool_test = true;
return bool_test;


impl<SDK: SharedAPI> ROUTER<SDK> {
fn deploy(&self) {
// any custom deployment logic here

Detailed Code Explanation

1. #![cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", no_std)]

This line is a compiler directive. It specifies that if the target architecture is wasm32 (WebAssembly 32-bit), the code should be compiled without the standard library (no_std). This is necessary for WebAssembly, which doesn't have a full standard library available.

2. extern crate alloc; and extern crate fluentbase_sdk;

These lines declare external crates (libraries) that the code depends on.

  • alloc is a core library that provides heap allocation functionality.
  • fluentbase_sdk is the SDK provided by Fluent for writing contracts.

3. use alloc::string::{String, ToString};

This line imports the String and ToString types from the alloc crate. This is necessary because the standard std library, which normally includes these, is not available in no_std environments.

4. use fluentbase_sdk::{ basic_entrypoint, derive::{router, function_id, Contract}, SharedAPI };

This line imports various items from the fluentbase_sdk crate:

  • basic_entrypoint is a macro for defining the main entry point of the contract.
  • router and function_id are macros for routing function calls and defining function signatures.
  • Contract Trait enabling contract functionality.
  • SharedAPI is a trait that abstracts the API shared between different environments.

5. #[derive(Contract)] struct ROUTER;

This line defines a struct named ROUTER and derives a contract implementation for it. The ROUTER struct will implement the logic for our contract.

6. pub trait RouterAPI { fn greeting(&self) -> String; }

This defines a trait named RouterAPI with a single method greeting. This method returns a String.

7. #[router(mode = "solidity")] impl<SDK: SharedAPI> RouterAPI for ROUTER<SDK> { ... }

This block implements the RouterAPI trait for the ROUTER struct. The #[router(mode = "solidity")] attribute indicates that this implementation is for a Solidity-compatible router.

Inside the Implementation:

  • #[function_id("greeting()"] specifies the function signature in Solidity syntax. This tells the router how to call this function from Solidity.
  • fn greeting<SDK: SharedAPI>(&self) -> String { "Hello".to_string() } is the implementation of the greeting method, which simply returns the string "Hello".

8. impl<SDK: SharedAPI> ROUTER<SDK> { fn deploy(&self) { // any custom deployment logic here } }

This block provides an additional method deploy for the ROUTER struct. This method can include custom deployment logic. Currently, it's an empty placeholder.

9. basic_entrypoint!(ROUTER);

This macro invocation sets up the ROUTER struct as the main entry point for the contract. It handles necessary boilerplate code for contract initialization and invocation.


This Rust code defines a smart contract that will be compiled to WebAssembly. The contract implements a single function greeting that returns the string "Hello". The contract is designed to be called from a Solidity environment, showcasing interoperability between different virtual machines. The basic_entrypoint! macro ties everything together, making ROUTER the entry point for the contract.

1.3 Optional Example Rust Cargo.toml file with Fluentbase SDK

You can manually create the TOML file for your rust project with the Fluentbase SDK as well like the example below. This is already done in the gblend tool for reference.


edition = "2021"
name = "types_test"
version = "0.1.0"

alloy-sol-types = {version = "0.7.4", default-features = false}
fluentbase-sdk = {git = "", default-features = false}

crate-type = ["cdylib", "staticlib"] #For accessing the C lib
path = "src/"

lto = true
opt-level = 'z'
panic = "abort"
strip = true

default = []
std = [

1.4 Build the Wasm Project


gblend build rust -r