Step 3: Deploy Blended Contracts
3.1 Deploy the Rust Contract with gblend
gblend deploy \
--private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> \
--dev lib.wasm \
--gas-limit 3000000
3.2 Deploy the Solidity Contract with Remix IDE
Copy and paste the Solidity contract above into Remix IDE. Select:
Deploy & Run Transactions > Environment > Injected Provider - Metamask
while connected to Fluent testnet, then deploy the contract with the deployed Rust contract address for the constructor input argument.
3.3 Verify the Solidity Contract with Blockscout Frontend
Go to the Fluent testnet Blockscout Explorer:
Search for the contract address the Solidity contract was deployed to. Go to:
Contract > Verify & publish
then select the correct parameters to verify the contract.
3.4 Read the Solidity function return values
With the Solidity contract verified on Blockscout, we are now able to test the Solidity and Rust contract Blended App. With the verified Solidity contract on Blockscout, go to:
Read/Write contract > Read
and click on the different function names. You should see values that match the correct type for that function name, confirming your Blended App is setup between Solidity and Rust.